Tuesday, September 11, 2012

File Recovery virus. Removal guide.

All of users need to realize that File Recovery is not a good program in the first place! It will not do anything to help your system at all. Think twice before trust this malicious scam. File Recovery penetrates into your system without your permission or any aknowledgement. Avery time you restart your system the program will run itself and do everything all over again. Some of you can think that File Recovery is the program which can help you to restore (recover) your damaged files or something like that. You are completely wrong about that!

File Recovery

This malicious program wants to gain some money from you and plus to infect your system. It actually erases some of your data, folders or files. And when it promises you that it will fix everything it just lies. You do not have to pay money for this program. File Recovery is the only reason of your data's missing. That is why you need to be very careful with the program and do not do anything it says to you. You will be provided with lots of different pop-ups and messages. Just ignore them all. All you have to do is to eliminate File Recovery from your system asd soon as possible. And the sooner you do that the sooner you will get your computer's stable state back.

To delete File Recovery from your PC it is strongly recommended that you first run our recommened program below. Use “Win + E” hotkey combination to open “My Computer” window. From this stage download our recommended software. Install and update it, run the scan and remove all threats it finds. Then download two additional free applications called Unhider.exe and restore.exe . The download links are as follows:

SOURCE: http://www.deletemalware.net/file-recovery-the-truth-about-so-called-great-and-helpful-program/

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