Česká Republika Policie or Check Republic Police is another fake program that wants to fool you into the giving your money away. Česká Republika Policie is a ransomware and it has almost the same methods of work inside your machine. When Česká Republika Policie virus penetrates inside your system it automatically blocks it and provides you with one message on a screen saying that your system was noticed spreading some illegal materials all over the internet or that it was noticed visiting the sites with illegal content. And that is why your system will be blocked until you oay certain sum of money.
Here is the message user receive when Česká Republika Policie gets inside:
Všechny operace prováděné na tomto počitači se zaznamenávaji. Pokud použiváte webovou kameru, video a fotografie se ukládaji pro účely identifikace. Váš počitač byl uzamčen!
So, Česká Republika Policie virus will not unblock your system that easy. That is why you need to find the way to delete the malware, because giving your mony away it is not an option. We can help you to eliminate the ransomware manually.
Removal guide of Česká Republika Policie virus:
Before the very boot process begins keep repeatedly hitting F8 button on your keyboard. In the window that appeared select Safe mode with command prompt option and press Enter.[caption id="attachment_840" align="aligncenter" width="724"] Safe mode with command prompt[/caption]
Launch regedit. Search for Winlogon. Press Start --> RunSTEP 3.
There will be a key labeled Shell under Winlogon. It should reference Explorer.exe or be blank. If there is something else referring an executable in one of user’s folders, replace it with explorer.exe.
Save changes, reboot to safe mode with networking.
Restart your computer and press F8 while it is restarting.
Choose safe mode with networking.
Launch MSConfig.
Press Start --> Run
or press [Win]+R on keyboard
Type MSConfig
Install and run http://trojan-killer.net/download.php?trojankiller Scan with it the PC and delete Česká Republika Policie virus executables it finds.
SOURCE: http://www.deletemalware.net/ceska-republika-policie-check-republic-police-virus-removal-guide/
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